Monday, February 1, 2010

the birth of one blissful nomad

Having been deprived of buying from the nearest convenience store when I was young is maybe one major reason why I have become the nomad I am now. My sister and I never had the simple joy of buying candies and lollies by ourselves. It has always been with an older companion.

Some might say it was a curse, but for me, it was a blessing in disguise. Since the time I had the opportunity and the go-signal from my family, I have started wandering.

I have travelled most of the beautiful places in the Philippines such as La Union, Baguio, Vigan, Davao, Bohol, Cebu, and Palawan among others. I swam in most of the pristine beaches in the country. I have started travelling around Asia at an early age. I have conquered Hongkong, China, Singapore, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru, Langkawi), Japan (Nagoya, Kyoto, Toba, Ise), and Indonesia. Two of these countries, I have worked and lived in.

This virtual space will somehow be the journal of a blissful nomad who never tires herself of travelling, and truly believes that the destination is not the happiest part, but the journey itself.
Here, you can find the most amusing, amazing, stunning, and even the most bizzare things I see during my travel on every part of the world.

Enjoy the journey!

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