It has been four long months since I last swam, dipped myself into the salty waters, and get sunkissed. I patiently waited for this time to come. And I have loved every moment of it.
The traveller in me got awakened. Mixed emotions of awe, excitement and joy among others overwhelmed me.
I met new people.
I was presented with a new and diverse culture.
I was able to appreciate things I don't seem to notice in the past few months.
I conquered a new place.
I had a clearer and better perspective of how my life should be. Now, I am loving myself more than ever.
Sometimes, it takes a lot of courage to get away with the routine and daily grinds of life, and go to some place else--where no one knows you (where no one would ever curse or judge), where you could stare at the beautiful sunset longer than usual, where time is not of great importance, where nobody owns your soul except the world and the Man Above.