Tuesday, November 22, 2011

ultimate goal

One of the ultimate goals in my bucket list is to live in at least 5 countries. Right now, I have lived in 3 -- the Philippines, China, and Singapore. Crazy for some, but the thought of it makes me all the more excited about my life.

J talked to me the other day about the thought of relocating somewhere else. A job hunter called if she is willing to push through with a Creative Director position. I was quite hesitant, because there's a lot of things to take into consideration. Then she said, Vietnam. Yes, Vietnam. Then I started to google.

Aside from the fascination of visiting a new place, I am overwhelmed with the places to travel, food to eat, and cultures to blend in to. There's Ho Chi Minh, Halong Bay, nice beaches, good food, and a culture so vibrant I am so excited about. I can easily go to other nearby countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos, and go back too whenever I want to.

Vietnam would truly be an exact opposite of this fine city. But it has this certain charm -- a charm I can't wait to unravel. Instead of shopping in malls, I might be visiting temples. Instead of watching movies, I might be enjoying the sand on my feet under the hot summer sun. Instead of thinking of climbing up that career ladder, I might be focusing on the little blessings in life that always go unnoticed.

I have been brought into this world who actually gives least importance to worldly things. I'm all after the experience. I want to get to know more about me, in different circumstances, in different places, in interacting with other people.

Vietnam sounds sweet. But I seriously want to live in Bali too. Any more suggestion?